The history of CSST tubing

If you are a domestic heating engineer, you have almost certainly heard of CSST tubing, regardless of whether you actually use it on gas installation projects or not. But there may be some of you reading this who are in the construction industry (or planning on a project that requires the safe installation of gas) and still need to learn about CSST tubing, where it came from and all of the advantages CSST offers heating engineers, plumbers and domestic heating engineers. So for anyone unfamiliar with this incredibly beneficial gas installation method, we here at Flexigas have written this informative blog on the history of CSST tubing, plus all of the advantages using CSST offers the front-line gas installer.

The origins of CSST tubing

CSST (or corrugated stainless steel tubing, to give it its full title), is a flexible gas pipe that conveys natural gas from the gas mains to any area that requires it in residential, commercial and industrial properties. CSST tubing was first developed and then patented in the 1980s in Japan as a safer gas installation method than the more traditional copper piping or black iron pipe method. Why Japan? Japan just happens to sit upon an area where several oceanic and continental tectonic plates meet. The constant friction between these tectonic plates results in 1,500 to 2,000 earthquakes every year. One of the main dangers from earthquakes is fires caused by gas pipes being ripped apart, so it will come as no surprise that the Japanese looked for ways to minimise the dangers from earthquakes. And so CSST tubing was born.

CSST is manufactured using stainless steel which, unlike copper or iron, is much more flexible under duress. This makes CSST much less likely to split apart during an earthquake, resulting in less fire damage. In fact, CSST is so flexible it can be bent to 90 degrees by hand, which not only makes it a gas installer's dream (as it can be easily manoeuvred around corners and obstacles during installation) but also makes it a much safer option compared to copper or iron piping.

CSST hits the US market

After the successful launch of CSST tubing in Japan, the United States started using more and more CSST in its gas installations and there are now an estimated 500,000 CSST pipes installed in the US each year. Whilst it took the UK a little longer to catch on to the CSST revolution, many UK gas installers are now making the switch with CSST sales growing steadily year upon year.

Why choose Flexigas CSST?

Since launching in the UK market back in 2016, Flexigas has been one of the fastest-growing manufacturers and suppliers of CSST tubing and CSST-related products in the UK. Flexigas prides itself on designing and manufacturing CSST products that make a real difference to the end user, ie domestic gas engineers, heating engineers and plumbers. Some of the main advantages of using Flexigas CSST include:

  • Installations are up to 75% quicker than copper

  • Installations only require one continuous length of CSST with one fitting at each end

  • Flexigas CSST can be easily bent to 90 degrees by hand, allowing for easy manoeuvring around corners, bends or obstacles

  • No specialist tools required

  • No need for any hot works

  • Flexigas CSST comes in one continuous loop, and is metre marked so you can cut to your exact installation requirements

  • With our pipe-in-pipe solution, Flexigas DS, you can install CSST through unvented areas

  • The FG Bond allows you to safely earth Flexigas CSST

  • Flexigas also provide the widest range of fittings available in the UK, meaning we can offer a simple fitting solution for any installation scenario

Make the switch to Flexigas

So as you can see, since its inception over 40 years ago in Japan, CSST tubing has become the alternative to copper and iron piping but is quicker and safer. Is it time to begin your CSST journey with Flexigas? Head to our “Find A Stockist” page and look for your nearest supplier of Flexigas.

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